

I have been developing a series of short (1-3 min long) audio-visual loops. I was trying to capture fleeting glimpses of internal states, like moving paintings. I tried to make them retain some materiality, despite being screen-based. The films come in and out of focus. This format echoes my ideas of inner experience as multiple-faceted and hard to grasp.

Whilst making this work, I was having conversations with Marco Bernini in Medial Humanities at Durham University, who’s work looks at inner experience. In his paper ‘Affording Innerscpapes.’ He describes ‘inner experience as something enactive (connected to the environment), situated and multisensory.’ He references William James’s ideas about these experiences as fleeting melting when captured, like snowflakes. He very kindly let me use the word ‘Innerscapes’ for my title.
For the sound, I mainly used field recordings that were on the videos. I then responded intuitively to these sounds and the moving-image using electroacoustic composition, trying to create different atmospheres and moods.




United Kingdom

Directed by:

Alice Highet



Key Cast: