Bognor Regis may have been repeatedly crowned Britain’s worst seaside town, but its residents keep smiling even as another unwelcome piece of news creeps into their consciousness: the rising ocean threatens to swallow up their small town.
Historically a thriving holiday spot turned national butt-of-the-joke, the town’s residents are used to defending its reputation. But when research reveals it is at risk of ending up underwater, the community grapples with what this means, both for themselves and for the place they call home. To try to make sense of the situation, a local filmmaker turns the lens towards the hometown that could disappear within her lifetime.
A bittersweet and humorous depiction of life in the shadow of an impending climate threat, Where the Sun Always Shines is a poetic film of nostalgia, the meaning of home, and what happens when everything you know could disappear.
The film was supported by BFI Doc Society Funds.
United Kingdom
Directed by:
Rosie Baldwin
Lucy Draper