Synopsis: The second Music video for North-East artists Amateur Trepanning produced in 2021 amid one of the more relaxed parts of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Filmed on zero budget the "concept" came about when director Rachel Eleanor Brook was arranging a visit to...
Sunderland Film Festival
Films 2022
The Sin Eater
Synopsis: The film tells the story of a man known only as The Sin Eater, who lives a very isolated life whilst doing his job of taking on the sins of people who have recently passed. His latest job seems to go very wrong, and he comes to realise that his work, the...
Synopsis: Rimi, a housewife, stuck in the mundane life of domesticity finds herself on the threshold of leaving everything behind and embracing liberation when a desire awakens in her after she encounters young and attractive Riya. Country: India Directed by: Nischhal...
You Don’t See Me
Synopsis: Eve, an old performer, muses on ageing and the formation of identity as she applies her make up in a backstage dressing room. As the film progresses it becomes increasingly surreal as the piece explores the fluidity of self and the disparity between how we...
Home Safe
Synopsis: At the end of a late shift, Molly walks home at night when she realises she is being followed... Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Aymeric Nicolet, Ellie Hodgetts
Ruth & Safiya
Synopsis: Ruth & Safiya is a story about friendships in unlikely places, challenging stereotypes, and the power of community. Ruth, an isolated pensioner, meets Safiya, a teenage Syrian refugee who is haunted by the life she fled from. Filmed on location in Skipton,...
Witchy Woman
Synopsis: she has been receiving nasty looks her whole life. Her dark, twisted mind runs free as her nightmare imaginations come to life. Country: Bulgaria Directed by: Martin Malinov
Synopsis: It’s 2032. The Connect App has changed everything: it could be the answer to the social care crisis or the beginning of the commodification of care. An unlikely friendship between two strangers in four meetings, moving between BSL and spoken English. Ready...
Epoch And Scope
Synopsis: Hear what it hears, and see what it sees. But seeing is not necessarily true, hearing is even more false. However, all things are empty. Heaven and earth grow out of the universe, and life is between heaven and earth. No matter the spirit or the soul, a...
The Curtain
Synopsis: Thirty years after the USSR’s fall, three generations of Ukrainian women relay their memories of three distinct eras. Filmed in the year before Ukraine would have to fight anew for independence, the women’s memories take on stinging new significance....
Synopsis: When you're stuck between two worlds, how do you know, to which you belong? Iris and Nicole experience a hiking vacation through north Germany together. When they crash for one night in a monastery, a long forgotten site of Iris awakens. The barrier between...
Bang Bang, Honey Honey (Official Music Video)
Synopsis: This is my music video to my indie-pop song 'Bang Bang, Honey Honey'. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Rob Irish
If Karma Was Real You’d Be Dead’ Music Video
Synopsis: Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Nathan Glendinning
Synopsis: Here we teach you to stand in love, rather than fall in it PRAGMA is an off-beat romantic comedy, set in a Post Graduate Partnering Programme, led by the world's leading practitioner in sustainable love. We follow our protagonist Willow on a series of...
The Scholar of Monstrum
Synopsis: Set during the fictional victorian plague of beasts, a scholar devoted to studying the scourge undergoes a troubling transformation of his own. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Sean Grinham
Going Flat
Synopsis: In 2017 Katie Clare took a DNA test revealing a gene mutation. The mutation means she has a 50 to 85 per cent chance of developing breast cancer. We learn Katie’s mother died from breast cancer four years after being diagnosed at 39 — Katie’s current age....
Press-ups for Juliet
Synopsis: Music Video by the band Lovely Assistant Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Lovely Assistant
Before You Go
Synopsis: By helping to pack up her father's house, Suzie faces the possibility that there was more to her distant dad than she realised. She processes the missing parts of her childhood memories to finally say what she has needed to tell him for so long. Country:...
China in a Box
Synopsis: “China In A Box” from Irish singer/song writer Niall McNamee is about a loving, honest, yet fragile relationship and how these connections with a loved one should be cherished. Tugging at your heartstrings, the song is emotional and sincere, with raw pianos...
Confession Day
Synopsis: In the valley of the Black Mountains, Aled must bury his father, and help his mother find peace. An outsider in a tight mining community, Bethan reveals what really happened the night Llewelyn died. The will of a father, broken by the courage of a son....
Inner Gods
Synopsis: An artist film that combines dance, music and filmmaking. INNER GODS is a commentary on mental health among black men in England. Set against the back drop of covid lockdown restrictions and the rise of Black Lives Matter, it is the story of one man's...
Synopsis: After a young man agrees to help an elderly neighbour with their grocery shopping through lockdown, they form an unlikely friendship that changes them both. Country: Not Specified Directed by: Benedict Webb
Clowning Around
Synopsis: A Clown dreams of being a Circus performer, but soon learns that practice makes perfect! Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Robert Brown
Maius Mollis – The Tide Turned Offical Music Video
Synopsis: The Tide Turned Official Music Video, directed and captured by Megan Savage. The Tide Turned was released by Both Sides Records 20th May 2022. Along with supporting marginalised genders in the music industry, one of the labels core values was to 'demystify...
Better Than You
Synopsis: Friends Like These newest single ‘Better Than You’, takes us on a FANGtastically spooky tale as Lord Garner’s house is overrun. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Lucy Turner
Dance, Draw, Dream
Synopsis: A dancer moves from studio though to their imagination in this animated dance video created during lockdown. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Jem Clancy
Maplesquire Soup
Synopsis: The Maplesquires are a family of scheming, conniving bandits….who are also elite, world class chefs. Join them on an epic series of robberies and heists in order to collect the ingredients for the greatest soup known to man! This ancient relic has been dug...
Synopsis: In a dusty attic, a tall dinner candle springs to life. As the playful and curious candle explores, learning to hop, skip and dance, it discovers a second candle. The two play and dance their way through the attic, falling in love. However, a shocking...
Synopsis: A very short animation film in which the entwined bones of two mermaids - mother and child - appear and disappear. The sound, reminiscent of a funeral march, was created on a bodhran (Irish drum) and a tambourine. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Cally...
Rose’s Nose
Synopsis: Rose knows a lot about people due to their amazing nose which can smell everything, until one day they catch a cold... Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Imogen King, Lexi Rory Allen, David Easson, Jessica Jobson, James Crozier, Jamie Wilson
wherever, next
Synopsis: A bittersweet snapshot of leaving university and a home shared with friends. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Benedict Webb
Martha- Beat Perpetual (official music video)
Synopsis: Music video for the song 'Beat Perpetual' by the Durham rock band Martha. Directed by David Combs and Benjamin Epstein. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: David Combs, Benjamin Epstein
Synopsis: Philosophy isn't always straight forward...or is it? Country: United Kingdom Directed by: SJ Lowes
Lizzie Esau – Bitter Weather (Official Video)
Synopsis: Music Video for Lizzie Esau - Bitter Weather Country: United Kingdom Directed by:
bigfatbig – Let’s Get Married (Official Video)
Synopsis: The official music video for Let's Get Married by bigfatbig. Country: United Kingdom Directed by:
A Last Resort
Synopsis: It's wanna-be movie star Rose's 60th birthday and she's desperate to celebrate like it's 1999. Her partner in crime and uptight daughter Genevieve is however struggling to ignore some recent, tragic revelations about her Mum. As the enigmatic duo regress...
Alt Milk
Synopsis: Two hitmen wait for their target, one is a coffee snob, and the other isn't. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Robert Carr
i cant sleep at night
Synopsis: Official video for Sorrows debut single "I can't sleep at night" Directed by Tony Park Filmed on location at Sinners Newcastle Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Tony Adam Park
Synopsis: Matthew is tired of feeling down. He wants to get help, get milk, and get back to normal. But his relentless inner voices are not going to make things easy. In fact, they’re going to make sure it’s an ice-cold uphill struggle. A comedy about mental health...
Synopsis: In early 2020, experienced swimmer Norma MacLeod quit a career in cardiac nursing to pursue her dream of becoming an outdoor swimming instructor. A few months later, in the midst of a global pandemic, she was diagnosed with cancer. This film explores Norma's...
The Emergence of The Soviet Beat
Synopsis: An army of babushkas fight the invisible enemy to the west. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Johannes Magnus Aule
After the Break
Synopsis: ‘After the Break’ follows a woman through her thoughts and back out into the world again. We meet a person who is ‘coping’. Fuelled by her own ponderings and unable to face the bigger problems in the world, she immerses herself in adverts on the television -...
The Red Dress
Synopsis: Music video for the band The Fallen Angels Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Henry Phillip Thompson
Synopsis: A man moving into a new house discovers something left behind in the loft… Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Duncan Falconer
A Town Called Panic: The Summer Holidays
Synopsis: School is over. Indian and Cowboy are getting bored. They decide to build a boat and set out in search of adventure. But their first attempt is a disaster. With the help of the animals, they finally manage to inaugurate their proud vessel. But of course,...
Finding Doreen
Synopsis: A documentary focusing on the impacts of Alzheimer's Disease on subject Doreen Atkinson and her husband Alan, as Doreen battles with the early stages of the disease and navigates coming to terms with it. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Izzy Atkinson
The Girl Next Door
Synopsis: Olivia, an aspiring YouTuber, captures on camera her adopted sister Elizabeth's escalating abnormal behaviour that rocks the family's already fractured relationship. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Catalina Paz Gallego Anex
Gut Punch
Synopsis: THIS FIGHT DOESN'T END IN THE RING. On the night of one of her biggest fights, amateur boxer Chloe must try to keep her composure after the sudden appearance of her manipulative ex-boyfriend, Lee. His presence seems supportive but does he have ulterior...
When I die let the universe burn
Synopsis: In May of 2021 my father’s life changed forever. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He had to undergo a life changing operation. By using domestic ethnography through the lens of my camera I wanted to capture his feelings and emotions post his surgery....
Synopsis: SNAP, Archie's Story is a short video conceived and directed by George Stamos featuring the legendary dancing, distinct voice and story of NYC vogue-dance icon Archie Burnett (Grandfather of the House of Ninja). In this rare and vulnerable portrait, vivid...
Hermit Phase
Synopsis: Music video for Amateur Ornithologist's single. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Daniel Clifford, Jenny Rohde
Peace of Mind
Synopsis: A veteran war reporter finds peace of mind in the Highlands of Scotland Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Archie Baker
Between the Tides
Synopsis: The mysterious Holy island of Lindisfarne becomes inaccessible when the tide washes over its causeway. Some inhabitants discuss what it is like to live there. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Artemis Constantinou
Metroland – Delivery Gulls
Synopsis: Fast Food chain employee Mark, is forever being pestered by those pesky delivery gulls. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Jack Stanley Robertson
Jack Fox – Lady Luck | Music Video
Synopsis: Country: United Kingdom Directed by:
Synopsis: Paul and Angela are about to meet in an empty bungalow. Why are there? And who is telling the truth? Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Clare Holman
Synopsis: Country: Serbia Directed by: Ljubba Stefanovic
I could not love you enough
Synopsis: The aim of the video is to render through daily images the gaze and that feeling of waltzing through life and certainty, beauty and belonging. But this incorruptible feeling is alternated with small fears, grotesque representations of them, ironic double...
Synopsis: With past trauma appearing in waves, Geny finds it hard to focus on her life going forward. When she should be coming- of-age she's battling the past as it overshadows her future; the young bird that's allowed to fly is forced to return. Country: United...
Synopsis: Trevor, a longstanding alcoholic visits the working men's club he once frequented with his brother, only now he's alone. He tells the story of how his brother lost a leg and gained a lust for life thus abandoning his brother. A sombre, gritty comment about...
Who Fired That Cannon?
Synopsis: After landing his first work in over a month, John Tootle faces a race against time to get to the Playhouse Theatre in Liverpool for his first shift. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Tom Lewis
Run With Her
Synopsis: Endurance running creates a secure world for 16 year old Emmy, where everything can be quantified and controlled. As influences from the outside world start to permeate, we follow the change it might bring to her relationships with the other girls on the...
Born in Damascus
Synopsis: After ten years apart, a Scottish filmmaker tries to reconnect with her closest cousin. Once so similar, their paths were separated by war. As they piece together memories of Syria, they begin to wonder - ‘What happened to our family?’ Country: United...
West Country
Synopsis: An atmospheric portrait of labour and land in the West Country, told with reflections from local 13-year-old Conor. The film explores daily rhythms of nature and labour, and relationships between men and the land in early Spring. Country: United Kingdom...
Synopsis: Prosopagnosia uses expressive animation to investigate intimacy, communication and memory. Prosopagnosia means face-blindness and to understand this neurodiverse behaviour, the contents of a memory box are intricately explored. Sketchbooks, photographs and...
Pit Pony – Supermarket
Synopsis: Music Video for Pit Pony's Supermarket The video for Supermarket follows a character who recollects a fond memory, leading her to start fantasizing and reliving the night. As her recollections become more and more vivid, her feelings become entangled in a...
Holographic Sickening Love
Synopsis: Music video for Nadedja Country: Not Specified Directed by: Sel MacLean
Memento Mori
Synopsis: “A study of light and shadows, framing and composition with no clear narrative. A visual essay on silence and the passing of time.” Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Mia Saldanha
Synopsis: Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It's a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves. Country: United...
Mykki Blanco – Family Ties Feat Michael Stipe
Synopsis: Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Krishna Muthurangu, Kit Monteith
The Outing
Synopsis: All she wanted was a day to herself ... 1970's: A lonely divorcee, Nellie, meets widower Frank on a trip to the seaside. Nellie lets herself be swept away by the hope of connection. But as the seagulls circle overhead and Frank begins to ask too many...
Synopsis: On July 21st 1792, Mary and Emma settled their differences the only way they knew how: a duel to the death! Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Jon Olav Stokke
Synopsis: Bald tells the heartwarming tale of how the baldest man in the world accidentally starts a moon-worshipping cult in South Wales. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Luke Bather
Dispatched Dream
Synopsis: Rachel struggles to chase her dream of being a singer due to her work at a convenience store. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Aziz Altamimi
Close Knit
Synopsis: Close Knit is is an animated film documentary made during the pandemic and co created by the Creative People and Places programme Museums Northumberland bait, communities in South East Northumberland and three artists; animator Sheryl Jenkins, artist...
No Means Nothing
Synopsis: Rachel is enjoying a quiet night revising for her test, until she gets a certain call from an acquaintance, pressuring her into sending explicit content. Rachel tries standing up for herself until eventually, she has no choice. Country: United Kingdom...
An Evening With Taglioni
Synopsis: Based on a true story from when legendary ballerina Marie Taglioni, the first woman to go 'en pointe', retired. Her pointe shoes were bought by a fan... Then cooked at a lavish dinner party and served to 35 guests. Country: United Kingdom Directed by:...
Hopper And Gundel – River Police
Synopsis: Hopper and Gundel are two River Police who assumed their job would involve more crime fighting and life saving than boat maintenance and ferrying real detectives about. They are the brunt of their land-based peers' jokes, namely Officer Cook but maybe today...
Synopsis: A man woke up from the hospital room and was bound to the bed without knowing anything. A strange-looking nurse came into the room and said that soon he would be "end" comfortably. The man protests that he is not the one to be here and struggles desperately...
She’s The Protagonist
Synopsis: The Protagonist, by her given name, is presented to us in her natural environment : a jungle, sadly, often lacking in density. But today enough is enough! Being the mother, the secretary, the lover, the nanny, the baby bottle, the side piece of the main male...
What’s in a Name
Synopsis: What's In A Name follows a week in the life of Father Hugh Hefner and his wife Lynne, as this unusually named vicar grappling with retirement, tries to impress a documentary crew by throwing a party, while risking the demise of his marriage. Country: United...
one like him
Synopsis: A Jordanian man (Karim) must find a way to tell his childhood friend and first love (Ramzi) the truth about what happened twenty years ago, when a single moment changed both their lives. When he can’t find the words, the conversation repeats, becoming...
Women of My Family
Synopsis: A film as a personal stream of memories - the biographical fragments of a great-grandmother, grandmother and mother are marked by simple circumstances. It is precisely in these that the socio-political circumstances for women of the time are revealed: a lack...
Synopsis: An unrequited love story, starring British autistic TV and film actor Jules Robertson. This bittersweet film tells the story of Oscar, a complex character with unique needs but the same hopes and desires as anyone. Rather than a film ‘about’ autism, LOVE...
GSNE – Girl Skate North East
Synopsis: Girl Skate North East is an ever-growing community dedicated to bringing women in skateboarding together. This documentary meets the women who are growing their very own skate scene in the North East, providing a safe space to practice, learn and have fun....
Synopsis: In wild 18th century Britain a lonely woman discovers that her menstrual cycle is of interest to a stranger. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Beth Park
Everything’s Fine
Synopsis: After a tough day navigating the worries and stresses of her loved ones, an empathetic young woman struggles to find space for her own care. Mercy spends the day helping those around her. While her care and empathy may seem endless to them, her decision to...
Because Goddess is Never Enough
Synopsis: Who was Tilly Losch? Dancer, artist, choreographer, lover, wife, muse … Tilly seems a blur, glimpsed at the corner of the eye, dancing in and out of focus. Because Goddess is Never Enough explores the elusive and fragmentary nature of Tilly’s life and evokes...
I Fall
Synopsis: I Fall, is a dance film created and choreographed by Fallen Angels Dance Theatre and past addicts now in recovery. It explores the carnage and chaos of addiction. Focusing on the twisted love story between two addicts - how they can’t live with or without...
To Challah On The Table
Synopsis: To Challah On The Table follows an elderly couple and friends in the build up to and celebration of Chanukah. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Olivia Barnett-Brown
Synopsis: A hand drawn tale inspired by the antics of the Bowerbird, that gives an insight into what really happens to all that single use plastic that we use and so recklessly discard. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Lou Sumray
Synopsis: A music video featuring Industry from the Teesside based musical Steel & Iron. The music video follows Luke as he moves through the monolithic ghosts of the steel industry to return materials back to the earth. Shot at the historic and iconic Redcar Blast...
Synopsis: Grieving after an early miscarriage, Faye preserves the embryo in a jar of oil, and sleeps with it under her pillow. She shows her husband, expecting him to feel the same connection. Isolated when he questions her sanity instead, Faye must act to keep the...
Synopsis: Siobhán, left the island many years previous but now when she is beckoned home by her aunt she is forced to face the demons of her past and the crux of her unresolved pain, her relationship with her father. Foxglove is a story about healing and the...
Synopsis: In 1970’s Northern Ireland, a young boy, bereft of his mother, defies his father to get the Glam Rock album he so desperately wants. It’s Belfast - early 70’s… BOOM! Something’s in the air and it’s not a bomb, it’s a revolution. Glam Rock is drowning out the...
Realm Of Horus – The Book Of Thoth
Synopsis: Music video for the song "The Book Of Thoth" by the heavy metal band Realm Of Horus. A small rehearsal room posed a big challenge in terms of executing the main idea to make the video look like a multi-camera setup. Shot on a single camera setup in several...
Synopsis: The four elements earth, air, fire and water, meet together in an ancient forest to celebrate midsummer. Their lives change forever as they are polluted by the new world around them. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Jamie Weston
A Language of Shapes
Synopsis: **Please note this version of the film is pre-sound mix** Emi, a young girl with a stomach upset, enters the magical, microscopic world inside a zebrafish and aids the defenders of her cells to outwit the invading Shigella bacteria. At a time when there is...
Synopsis: JUN explores the ideas of Jun Rhee, a South Korean craftsman working in the North of England. Jun shares his view on the importance of hand made ceramics in today's society over factory made tableware. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Sel MacLean
Who’s Counting?’
Synopsis: Who's Counting?' tells the story of a couple as they endure the pain and trauma of successive miscarriages. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Ben Lankester
Synopsis: BFI Network Presents: A hand-drawn sequential telling of human history in all its horror and glory, culminating in our next evolutionary leap. Cuties explores the elusive beauty in how we as a species continue forward in spite of our proclivity for...
Checked Mates
Synopsis: Alan and Rob meet up in the pub for a their first game of chess since their big fall out many years ago. All Alan wants is an apology - but will Rob give it? Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Caden Elliott
Synopsis: Football is everything to Kam who has lived near the Ainsworth Estate pitch all his life. In 2013, with his good friend Hassan, Kam approached the Arsenal Foundation to resurface the pitch from concrete to astroturf. He is now a Coach to the local kids and...
Standing Woman
Synopsis: “Standing Woman” is a dystopian drama with flourishes of body horror that depicts a near future where an authoritarian government turns those it deems criminals into trees as part of an insidious environmental campaign. Under this green dictatorship, a...
Apology of Aphrodite
Synopsis: This experimental poetry film is a multi-image narrative combining video, dance, costume and poetry to construct a kind of conversation between the gods about desire and morality. A common question is present in all our lives, how do we overcome this...
Synopsis: Hugo is going bald. In 'Patched' we see Hugo struggling with his baldness. He desperately wants to get a girlfriend and he is convinced that his hair loss is the reason for his misfortune in the love department. Instead of accepting his baldness he takes a...
Synopsis: A docu-drama featuring real audio from sexual assault survivors, whose stories shape the narrative in this powerful short film. Country: Isle of Man Directed by: Georgina Crebbin
Look North 1997 – Champion Tosser
Synopsis: Comedy Spoof - Vintage found VHS news report footage of World Champion Bobble Hat Tosser Darren Lally from Tow Law, County Durham. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Furio Ferrera
Synopsis: Country: United States Directed by: Zoe Neely
Domestic Bliss
Synopsis: BFI Network Supported trilogy of micro shorts in which a young woman haunted by sensory overload and a sinister being tries to survive. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Joe Willis
True Sound Façade
Synopsis: True Sound Facade is a poetic dance and animation film in which a dancer realises their digital self feels truer than their real world self. It was commissioned by the Barbican museum in London and stars dancer Kino McHugh. By combining live-action and...
Synopsis: When given an ultimatum do you stop or do you run? At some point, you have to decide. Aura and Chance are leads in a new coming-of-age film by Guy Hodgkinson taken from his experiences of working in the Adult Industry. Country: United Kingdom Directed by:...
Sliced Bread
Synopsis: Sliced Bread is a Comedy short film in which we imagine what a world would look like if Sliced Bread had never been invented - and what would happen in 21st Century society if suddenly it was. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Gulliver Moore
Synopsis: Plagued by violent nightmares, a distressed Italian woman seeks professional help to escape her abusive past. But as her dreams begin to bleed into real life, she starts to wonder if they have bigger significance. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Mike...
There Are Lights
Synopsis: Menna and her father, Farouq, have recently moved from North Africa to the the North of England, to an isolated seaside town with its identity built around a gothic novel. Menna is trying her best to adjust to their new home, but her father’s reluctance to...
The Wilds
Synopsis: Anna receives an urgent phone call from her desperate-sounding and somewhat estranged mother, Helen. Anna's troubled brother has returned to the family home; Helen needs Anna's help and it must be right now – definitely before tonight. The Wilds tells the...
B.U. Project
Synopsis: The b.u. programme is an arts and wellbeing programme delivered by Daisy Arts in Bishop Auckland that supports young people with mental health challenges. I am passionate about using my filmmaking talents to raise awareness of mental health. For more...
Before It All Happened
Synopsis: A mysterious gift ended up at the doorstep of Nathan’s (Chris Farfouris) dressing room on his wedding day, which sends him into his presumed future with an unexpected twist — a future with someone who isn't his bride. As Nathan tries to figure out what...
Synopsis: On an isolated island, a boy is haunted by his recurring nightmares of the sea, which now start to bleed into his waking hours. The more he ignores his visions, the more aggressively they plague him, until ultimately, he must face his fear head on....
Bin Day
Synopsis: Michelle struggles to confront her all consuming ex-boyfriend as she takes the bins out on what's supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: `Richard Scott
Synopsis: Wastopia' is a short animated film exploring the issues surrounding global attitudes to waste disposal and the environment pollution the inevitably follows. The film indicates a visual journey based on an otherworldly place inhibited by strange creatures and...
The Deafening Silence
Synopsis: Thomas has a secret that he now needs to tell to his parents. While fearful of their response, his parents blame each other over the news, leaving Thomas to think about what the future holds for him and his family Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Nathan...
Synopsis: A mother and daughter go on their last ever road trip together. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Natalie A. Evans
Synopsis: A mother with a substance misuse issue, has to prove herself on her path to recovery, to prevent her child from being taken away from her and placed into care. THIS LITTLE GIRL is supported by BFI NETWORK with National Lottery funding with the film meeting...
Living Room
Synopsis: A short experimental film about the ecology of illness, and how I adapt my ever shrinking world to accommodate my creativity. The Living Room is just that. Alive. Wild with imagination. This is a work in progress piece of moving image. All created by me, but...
Synopsis: It's a rainy night out in East London, Claire and Hannah hail a black cab and climb in. The driver navigates through the wet streets of the city, glancing back in his rear-view mirror at the girls in his cab. Claire glances down and spots a bag neither of...
Synopsis: Eleri has been caring for her mum, Luned, since she was a child. But both have become so invested in their reversed roles of parent and child, that they’ve lost sight of one another and the true connection between them. Country: United Kingdom Directed by:...
A Psychogeography of Mourning
Synopsis: A Psychogeography of Mourning uses static imagery and unpredictable sound to reconcile the contradictory interior and exterior experiences grief elicits. Country: United States Directed by: Shayna Connelly
Barry the beekeeper
Synopsis: An intergenerational documentary that follows Barry, a Jamaican-born beekeeper who has been the heart of his local community in Liverpool for over 20 years. Despite the pandemic threatening the closure of his beloved Caribbean centre, Barry takes inspiration...
Bronx Magic
Synopsis: The everyday magic of dance is everywhere in a Bronx neighborhood. Near the ice cream truck, under the elevated train, and at the subway station, everybody becomes part of the daily dance. Country: United States Directed by: Marta Renzi
I’m Useless in the Dark
Synopsis: Continuously creating work throughout the last 50 years but rarely sharing it with a wider audience, a female artist from Teesside shares her story and her dreams with an audience for the first time. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Hollie Galloway
The Palace
Synopsis: A surreptitiously filmed conversation between my Dad and my Nana in Ashington, Northumberland, about the age-old British tradition of breaking into royal residences. The conversation is overlaid with Super 8 footage shot by my Grandad in the 1960s and...
Synopsis: Type is a stop motion animation about Franny, a young woman growing up with chronic allergies that isolate her from the world. In her search for friends and a soulmate, she finds a parasite that can solve all her problems - for 24 glorious hours. The film...
Ghosts of the Estuary
Synopsis: My film explores the impact of industry upon the River Tees, in the North East of England. Using field recordings of the environment and wildlife, recordings of interviews and musical composition, Ghosts of the Estuary explores the past and questions the...
The Unlocking
Synopsis: Elliot struggles with OCD, locking his door all night, every night. One night he decides to not lock the door, and is horrified when he encounters a strange intruder. Country: United States Directed by: Thomas Matthew Brush
Synopsis: Things turn sour when an amateur improv group meet for the first time, as one of the group misjudges the situation. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Liam White, Larry Ketang
Nails & Beauty
Synopsis: A teen girl blossoms after her transformative day with a beautiful bearded builder. Nails & Beauty is a love letter to butch womxn. Feeling unconfident after once again being excluded by her girl gang, teenage Lucy resolves to visit 'Nails & Beauty' salon....
Synopsis: An intimate portrait documentary of Spandau Ballet's Gary Kemp which explores an artist's journey towards making a solo album. Country: United Kingdom Directed by: Charlie Lightening